Monday 4 April 2016

The final edit

I am incredibly proud of what our group has been able to achieve together.

Friday 1 April 2016

Sound recording day

Due to the footage of the characters speaking in the lecture room did not work well. We had to redo the sound for the film. Firstly we recorded the sound in Emma's bedroom off Alex's iphone to see how good the quality would be. The quality was fine but to stay safe we booked out the production studio's sound booth and a camera and microphone.

In the production studio we recorded the sound on both the camera and iphone again. When taking both clips and uploading them onto the computer we decided that the footage recorded on the iphone was better quality than the camera. The sound on the camera had a subtle "Shooing" sound.

Friday 18 March 2016

Last shot retake

We quickly decided to do a shot of all three of starting shots for each character in one establishing shot.

  • The glass that was used in each shot
  • Anti bacterial gel
  • Magazine with triggering image
  • Anxiety medication
We done this for the last scene to bring all the characters together in the circular narrative. 

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Shoot #7 - Filming Outside #2

Today we filmed Emma and Stacey's outside scenes. We mimicked the shots that we filmed using myself for the anxiety scenes as well as other scenes of both characters going to a lecture.
The shots included:
  • Establishing close up shots of both characters
  • Eating disorder character walking with a friend to her lecture.
  • Both characters bumping into each other on the way to the lecture.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Feedback for filming #2

After being given feedback on our current edit of our film and we discussed that the quality difference with the outside scenes and inside scenes was significantly different so we decided to drop the lecture scenes altogether.

We decided that to replace the lecture scenes we should film Stacey and Emma outside similar to how we filmed the outside parts for anxiety.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Shoot #6 - Lecture #2

After listening to our feedback, our group decided to go back to the same lecture / seminar room that we used the previous week and filmed more footage with the three characters together.

We decided to link this scene back to our original research when we discovered the mental health awareness video where the people suffering with illness spoke to the camera. It was hard to remember the words but we was able to successfully film the characters individually speaking into the camera and them speaking into the camera with a wide shot.

Saturday 5 March 2016

Script preparation

  • Me, Emma, Stacey were asked to learn a script before the next shoot so we would be able to know it ourselves without any mistakes when talking into the camera.